Ron Klein is a man who accomplishes extraordinary things. He is a PROBLEM SOLVER. His innovative ideas have changed the world.
- the magnetic strip on the credit card
- credit card validity checking system
- developer of computerized systems for Real Estate Multiple Listing Services (MLS)
- voice response for the banking industry
- the BOND Quotation and Trade Information System for NYSE
To learn more about Ron Klein, here is a link to his website and interview with AOL Huffington Post Influencers and Innovation:
Please join us as at this private event as Ron discusses entrepreneurialism, addresses challenges, promotes ideas and provides you with the answers and solutions to move you in a positive direction.
Private Event - Space is limited
Monday, November 3rd at the Naples Hilton
4:30pm-5:15 Networking and Registration
Cash Bar and Light Food will be provided
If you have questions or would like to attend "Brainstorming with the Grandfather of Possibilities" a Private Evening with Ron Klein? Contact T2:: Tamiami Angel Fund II, Carmen Hutchinson at [email protected] or 239-262-6300
We hope you can attend!